Yosemite New Employee Housing
ARG has extensive experience designing and executing projects in sensitive environments; our work at Yosemite National Park is no exception. ARG led a design team to construct new employee housing on a wooded, undeveloped site, adjacent to the Curry Village Historic District. The housing complex consists of 27 new one- and two-story structures providing housing and shared common spaces and a wellness center. Buildings were carefully sited to preserve heritage trees, natural drainage channels, and large boulders occurring across the site.
A pioneering design for exterior lighting in ultra-dark environments was developed for the site; it has since become a model for exterior lighting throughout the entire Yosemite National Park.
Numerous energy efficient features were integrated into the project, including a ground source heat loop system to provide quiet, energy-efficient heating and cooling. As a result, the project and the National Park Service received awards from PG&E through their Savings by Design program.
The project received an Environmental Achievement Award for Sustainability from the National Park Service.
Photography by David Wakely