Architecture, Planning and Conservation in Portland Oregon - ARG Skip to content



ARG’s Pacific Northwest office was established in 2007 and is located in the historic Morgan Building in Downtown Portland. ARG’s Portland office has worked on many of the most iconic historic sites in Oregon and Washington, including the Oregon State Capitol, Portland Union Station, Pittock Mansion, Portland City Hall, the Oregon Caves Chateau, the Washington State Capitol Campus, Fort Vancouver and Oregon State Hospital. The office is led by principals Maya Foty, AIA, LEED AP, and Matthew Davis, AICP.

Connect with us

720 SW Washington Street
Suite 605
Portland, OR 97205
T: 971.256.5324

Our office is located in the middle of Downtown Portland. While there are parking options in close proximity, please consider using public transportation, cycling, or walking when visiting us.

For general marketing-related inquiries, please contact

Featured Projects


Caitlin Pierce Cranley

Associate | Senior Designer

Laurie Linville-Gregston

Senior Project Manager

Stacey A. Moye, AIA, LEED AP

Associate | Senior Architect

Candace Naste

Associate | Senior Designer

Nu Nhi Nguyen

Associate | Marketing Specialist

Morgan Quirk

Associate | Architectural Historian & GIS Specialist

Alyson Rock


Jon Rusch

Associate | Architectural Historian & Preservation Planner