Determinations of Eligibility (DOEs) - Architectural Resources Group (ARG) Skip to content

Determinations of Eligibility (DOEs)

An integral form of identifying and documenting our historic resources is through the process of Determinations of Eligibility (DOEs). The Planning & History Group at ARG is skilled in executing DOEs for state and federal agencies, having successfully completed many DOEs for historic sites throughout the country. Following an initial survey of potential resources in the established Area of Potential Effect, ARG has adeptly determined eligibility by providing in-depth property descriptions and site histories to assess the subject properties using the areas of significance most likely to meet the criteria for listing in the National Register.

  • Katherine Landing Mission 66 Historic District, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV
  • Temple Bar Developed Area Historic District, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV
  • Fort Spokane Developed Area, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, WA
  • Kettle Falls Developed Area, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, WA
  • Brunk Farmstead, Salem, OR
  • Point Reyes Light Station Housing and Garage, Point Reyes National Seashore, CA
  • Heart O’ the Hills Developed Area, Olympic National Park, WA
  • Hurricane Ridge Developed Area, Olympic National Park, WA
  • Kalaloch Developed Area, Olympic National Park, WA
  • Sol Duc Developed Area, Olympic National Park, WA
  • Astoria-Megler Bridge, Astoria, OR
  • Nehalem River Bridge, Vernonia, OR

Photography by Architectural Resources Group