Ferry Building - Architectural Resources Group (ARG) Skip to content

Ferry Building

One of San Francisco’s most famous municipal structures, the Ferry Building is a California Civil Engineering Landmark recognized by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Prior to forming ARG, Bruce Judd, FAIA, and Steve Farneth, FAIA, were both involved in developing the design guidelines for restoration and adaptive reuse of the Union Depot and Ferry House.

After the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, ARG served as historical architect providing conservation recommendations and design review services for the restoration of the historic building. ARG made recommendations and prepared specifications for the conservation of exterior sandstone and brick masonry, based upon historical research, field observation and laboratory testing.

The firm also reviewed the impact of the engineering scheme on historic materials and finishes, and provided site review for all work affecting historic exterior materials. This part of the project was completed under review by the California State Office of Historic Preservation.


ARG also participated in a feasibility study for complete renovation of the structure and provided Section 106 review for all renovation schemes. The firm has subsequently developed waterfront design policies and guidelines for the Port, dealing with a variety of historic Port properties.