Historic Context Statements - Architectural Resources Group (ARG) Skip to content

Historic Context Statements

A historic context statement is an evaluative framework that identifies historic contexts and themes under which historic resources may be significant. Historic context statements are at times completed as standalone documents, or in conjunction with historic resource surveys. These documents involve in depth historical research of the subject area’s past land use development, including its related architectural, economic, social, ethnic, and cultural heritage. ARG’s context statements clearly and concisely integrate the varied historic themes, patterns, and trends that substantiate the significance of a specific event, property, site, or community. These context statements range from citywide to neighborhood specific, and are also sometimes limited to a single theme, such as a particular architectural type or resources related to a specific ethnic group.

  • City of Redlands, Citywide Historic Context Statement, Redlands, CA
  • Civic Center Historic District Modern Era Cultural Heritage Theme Survey, San Francisco, CA
  • Garden Apartments of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
  • SurveyLA: Asian Americans in Los Angeles Historic Context Statements, Los Angeles, CA
  • SurveyLA: L.A. Modernism Historic Context Statement, Los Angeles, CA
  • SurveyLA: The Ranch House Historic Context Statement, Los Angeles, CA

Photography by Architectural Resources Group