Historic Structure Reports & Rehabilitation Studies - ARG Skip to content

Historic Structure Reports & Rehabilitation Studies

ARG’s Planning and History Group has completed many Historic Structure Reports (HSRs) and Rehabilitation Studies, which are the primary reports that document the history, significance, condition, and recommended treatment of historic buildings. An effective part of preservation planning, HSRs and Rehabilitation Studies address goals for the use or reuse of historic properties. These documents typically include a historical background narrative; a chronology of development and use; an evaluation of integrity, significance, and period of significance; a list of character-defining features; a conditions assessment; and repair or treatment recommendations. Treatment recommendations are guided by The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, providing a valuable foundation for the thoughtful rehabilitation and reuse of a historic building.

  • Olympia Armory, Olympia, WA
  • Pearson Field Headquarters Building, Vancouver, WA
  • Pearson Field Historic Hangar, Vancouver, WA
  • Carlsbad Caverns Superintendent’s Building, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM
  • Old Faithful Inn Caretaker’s Residence, Yellowstone National Park, WY
  • Walnut Canyon Visitor Center, Walnut Canyon National Monument, AZ
  • Village Store and Yosemite Lodge Food Court, Yosemite National Park, CA

All photography except for Angel Island by Architectural Resources Group