In the Press: Architectural Resources Group - Preservation Design Skip to content

ARG News

Design Competition for Ukraine

Calling all architects and designers! The State Tax University (Irpin, Ukraine), in collaboration with...

Fagiani Building in San Francisco Magazine

ARG's collaborative work on the Fagiani Building with BraytonHughes and Cello & Maudru was recently featured in The Spring Culture & Style issue of San Francisco Magazine....

Fagiani Building in CPF’s The Beat

ARG principal, Naomi Miroglio, shares the layered history of the Fagiani building in California Preservation Foundation’s January 2020 issue of The Beat...

Inn at the Presidio in Hospitality Design Magazine

Since opening in 2012, the Inn at the Presidio has maintained a 94% occupancy rate. The Inn will soon have a contemporary: the new Lodge at the Presidio, which will open this summer....

New Eco-Roof for Portland City Hall

Portland City Hall is getting an eco-roof! ARG’s re-roof and exterior rehabilitation design for Portland City Hall was recently approved by the City’s Historic Landmarks Commission....

SurveyLA on PBS NewsHour

SurveyLA is featured on PBS NewsHour and in a Citiscope piece on urban innovation...